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My name is Karen Giles, and TLC Dorset is the name of my therapy practice. As I trained under the name of Karen Withers, this is the name I use professionally.

I have been a counsellor since 2003 and a professional hypnotherapist since 2005. I am also a Master Practitioner in NLP.

My professional approach to all therapies is a gentle one of unconditional positive regard, and is completely confidential. I am fully qualified and approved by the regulatory bodies of all the therapies I offer, and I abide by the code of ethics of each (please see links below for more information on these organisations).

My counselling skills and experience are used in every client session, and hypnotherapy and NLP are used as appropriate, according to clients needs and wishes.

I find that a combination of all three therapeutic approaches can be powerful in bringing about positive life changes for clients, and this is what I generally offer.

I have experience of working as a therapist in a variety of settings, including a prison environment, two local GP surgeries and with the local Community Mental Health Team, the mental health charity Rethink Mental Illness, and in my own private practice based in Dorchester.

I have been practising Reiki for many years and, and teaching it since 2001 when I qualified as a Reiki Master/Teacher. I am a fully insured member of the UK Reiki Federation.

I trained as a Shamanic Healer and Practitioner with Kestrel & Jay Oakwood in Glastonbury during 2002-2004, and again in 2013/14.

I realised that the two healing therapies ‘meld’ together well in healing sessions, and now offer Shamanic Reiki.

In teaching Reiki, I teach the traditional Usui Reiki practice that has been handed down from Master/Teacher to pupil  since Dr Usui passed the teaching on to Dr. Hayashi. However in Reiki share meetings, we tend to practice some Shamanic Reiki as well as traditional Japanese Reiki techniques.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy


The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and the General Hypnotherapy Register



The Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming



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