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Lack of confidence, low self esteem and self consciousness are all related to how you feel about yourself and others.

Ask yourself "how would I describe someone with high self esteem?"

Then ask yourself "how would I describe my self esteem?"

If the answers don't match, then I can help you by using a combination of counselling, hypnotherapy and NLP.

It is not as difficult as you may think to make changes to the way you think and feel about yourself.

How can TLC Dorset help?

There is usually an underlying reason for low self esteem or lack of confidence, and this is likely to be hidden in your subconscious.

Working together, we can unlock the programme that is giving you these unhelpful thoughts and feelings, and give it positive messages about yourself, giving you the chance to build your confidence and self esteem.

As so many of us don’t feel good about ourselves, building self esteem forms part of most of the sessions I offer, because when you feel good about yourself, achieving other aims is much easier .

Self esteem